Pictures from Ceylon...

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As a multicultural nation, Sri Lanka has a rich culture with a list of year-long festivals, processions, and celebrations…

This is a picture of Kandy Esala Perahera which is held annually in August.

Man on an Beautifully dressed tusker in Kandy Dalada Perahera

It is said Sri Lanka offers the Best safaris outside of Africa due to it's abundance of national parks where you can see elephants, different species of birds, leopards and many more wildlife in their natural habitats...


From green velvet of tree canopy that seems to be never ending in the central hills to white, sandy beaches surrounding the coastline, Sri Lanka is a feast for eyes that are worn by city lights and concrete jungles...

Sigiriya rock-Sri Lanka
Heritage sites

With an epic collection of 8 UNESCO world heritage sites, Sri Lanka is one of the perfect travel destinations for History lovers...


1000-year-old architecture, still proudly standing for you to witness and make memories.. This is an image of Kiri vehera in Polonnaruwa...

iStock by Getty Images offers you a variety of beautiful and quality images captured by a trustworthy, travel and wildlife enthusiastic  Sri Lankan photographer who,

What can you find there?

In the collection of images in iStock by Getty Images by the same photographer, you will find images of;